Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Fighting FROM Victory

I hate when ministry gets hard. More than anything in life, I hate when ministry becomes bogged down with legalism, gossip, untruths, and when Satan uses those things to attack an entire group of people who started out with the intention of doing kingdom things.

This is where I'm at right now. I'm stuck in a situation where Satan has used and is continuing to use the people in my campus ministry to tear each other down, gossip about each other, turn on one another, among other things. It just sucks. This is not what ministry is about! It's frustrating to watch as we cowar under the attack of the one who has ALREADY BEEN DEFEATED!!!! We fight FROM victory, not FOR victory. We already won this battle, so when will we say enough is enough to Satan and send him packing!? When will we realize that Satan WANTS us to leave when things get tough. He WANTS us to cowar under his evil schemes. He LOVES when we turn our backs on eachother. He is crafty in the ways he attacks. He LOVES division. He made deceit. He gets joy from gossip. And he gets points when we allow him to have a foothold....

Let's get serious ladies and gentleman. There is a spiritual battle raging at this very moment. What is it going to take for us to stand up, take notice, and tell Satan that enough is enough!? The time is now....let's do it already....

1 comment:

Phil said...

I've been praying for you and your place in all of this. Stay close to God even in this busy time of school. In him is found the answer.